Mario Party Ideas

Ok, you must see these cute ideas from a Mario Party we attended this weekend.  They were created by my friend Jennifer for her son AJ's birthday party.  It was held at Chuck E. Cheese, but that did not deter her rom throwing a theme party (I LOVE IT!!!) 

She made these cute Mario hats.  (Don't you love my hurricane hat model?!?  Thanks MIL!!)  She used cardboard and elastic string.  Not sure if she had a template she used or if she created it herself.  If she has one, I'll see if she'll let me add it to this post.

Besides being so cute, the hat and mushroom bag had practical purposes as well. It was much easier to locate a child attending AJ's party from the mass of children because of his Mario hat (and mustache!!) I forgot to tell you, she also had those cute stick on mustaches for the boys to wear! (AGAIN, LOVE IT!!!)  Wish I had taken my camera to the party...Haden looked so cute with that mustache and hat on!

These SUPER CUTE felt bags held the gold coins (like on Mario,) the tickets and few sweet treats to keep the fun going.  The boys hung them around their neck to keep everything close at hand.  Fabulous idea!  If you have a party at Chuck E. Cheese I would highly recommend doing something similiar that fits your theme.  Having these little pouches made the party easier for EVERYONE!

Admittedly, I didn't get into the treat bag until the next day.  (We had a BUSY weekend and I just didn't have the energy to say, NO CANDY BEFORE BED!)  Wow!  Was I surprised when I opened it.  (Yes, you're reading it right...I opened it.  I always have to see if there is any candy I want first!)
Do you see that Mario Pop she made?!?  All paper pieced together!  So cute and clever!!  I didn't ask where she found her ideas....she's so clever and cute she probably just came up with everything!! 

Moral of the story, even if your child INSISTS on having a party at a venue other than your home, you can still throw an amazing, memorable theme party that children and parents alike will all enjoy! 

Great party, Jennifer!  So glad we were able to be a part of it!


Here are some links I've found for templates:
Invitations, Party Ideas & Tag Template, Pinata, Star Coin Decorations, Lots of Ideas

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