Family Tree

My grandmother blessed our family with a gift more precious than any material possession. She created a book with our family history.  She researched and investigated my grandfather's family tracing it back to its origins in Ireland.  Our family has a rich history of many different personalities and backgrounds.  Royalty and peasants, cowboys and indians,  Rebels and Yanks, Amercian Revolutionary soldiers (I'm a DAR member because of her passion for family history) and Texas Revolutionary soldiers and everything in between make up our amazing family.  Because of her hard work, my grandfather, whom I never had the privlege of knowing, comes alive with stories and pictures.   

When I saw Martha Stewart's version of this family tree, I wanted to make one for my parents,  (they just celebrated their 52nd Wedding Anniversary in January,) as well as for my parents-in-love...I'll take them to a printer to have them copied for my brothers and sister-in-love.

Rather than printing in off as in Martha's version, I painted my own with watercolor using her's as a guide.  I followed her instructions for hand-edging the name cards with gold paint. 

I was very happy with the results and look forward to presenting it to my parents this weekend.  I'll present YOU with the tutorial in a few days.  If you can't wait that long to give it a try, then scoot on over to Martha's and check it out for yourself!


OH!  Don't forget stop by tomorrow thru the 12th for the Pretty Packages Party!

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