Lowongan Kerja November 2013 Corporate Services & Employment Agency
Lowongan Kerja November 2013 Corporate Services & Employment Agency - - Berita new Terbaru masih tetap membahas info loker di bulan november. artikel hari ini untuk anda yang berlokasi di Nusa tenggara timur atau ingin bekerja di Nusa tenggara timur. beberapa perusahaan dari Nusa tenggara timur ini sedang mencari tenaga kerja yang bisa diandalkan untuk perkembangan perusahaan tersebut.
Jika anda memang sedang mencari kerja tidak salah anda masuk situs ini. Disini akan saya jabarkan secara lengkap tentang Lowongan Kerja November 2013 Corporate Services & Employment Agency yang berpendidikan minimal (sma,smk,d3 atau s1). silahkan simak berita lowongan kerja berikut ini.
Corporate Services & Employment Agency
We are employment agency, helping jobseeker to get a better job option for Bali area (Nusa Dua, Sanur, Denpasar, Kuta, and Ubud area)
We welcome any position for a better future of your job vacancies in Bali with over than 4 years of experience in Recruiting, Hiring, Psychology Test, and Job Counselor.simply send your CV, free to register, no salary cut, not an outsourcing companymost of our clients are expat who work, established a company, Legal PMA, Villa and Hotel, Garments in Bali area so make sure you have a good English and the best skill you have!
Send your CV, come for interview, the salary is yours!
Bali Pro
Corporate Service Bali
849/22-08/PK/XI/2010 -- 220837405026
Jalan Raya Kerobokan 68B Banjar Taman Seminyak
(M) 08155733218
(F) 0361 8224-369
Detil Pekerjaan
TIMOR PLAZA HOTEL – Dili Timor Leste, welcoming professional to manage their property and Mall /retail business level – with 50 rooms, 24 Apartments, conference hall for 150 – 200 pax and Bar - fine dining Restaurant
1. Retail Supervisor
- High end experience at the same level for at least 3 years with good tracking records
- Willing to develop your career in Dili Timor
- Interview at 2nd week of October 2013 with the owner representative directly come from Dili East Timor
- Salary in US Dollar with legal working documents
- Put down your expectation (reasonable and negotiable)
- Other detail job description and remuneration will explain during interview
- High end experience at the same level for at least 3 years with good tracking records
- Willing to develop your career in Dili Timor
- Interview at 2nd week of October 2013 with the owner representative directly come from Dili East Timor
- Salary in US Dollar with legal working documents
- Put down your expectation (reasonable and negotiable)
- Other detail job description and remuneration will explain during interview
Simply send your CV to our email address, wait for interview schedules and negotiate your own salary, free of charge and no outsourcing company
yudirecruiter@gmail.com kerjabali@gmail.com info@baliprofesional.com
Tingkat Pendidikan: SMA/Sederajat
Pengalaman: 2-4 tahun
Jenis Pekerjaan:
Kategori: Pariwisata dan Perhotelan
Tanggal Berakhir: 03-11-2013
Lokasi: Nusa Tenggara Timur
Sekian i nformasi Lowongan Kerja November 2013 Corporate Services & Employment Agency ini, semoga info yang saya berikan bisa ada manfaatnya untuk kita dan juga sedikit membantu penurunan tingkat pengagguran di indonesia. baca juga = Lowongan Kerja oktober 2013 di medan
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